Source code for arpys.utilities.functions

A module that provides custom functions.
import numpy as np

[docs]def testarray(*dims) : """ Return a multidimensional array with increasing integer entries. **Parameters** ==== ====================================================================== dims tuple of int; the lengths along each dimension. ==== ====================================================================== """ #ndim = len(dims) # Find the number of entries the resulting array will have n = 1 for d in dims : n *= d # Create the base, 1-dimensional sequence res = np.arange(n) # Bring it to the desired dimension return res.reshape(dims)
[docs]def describe(obj) : """ Exploratory introspection function that outputs information on allattributes of an object. Tends to print a lot of output, so it might be advised to pipe or send it to a file over which one can easily search. """ for key in dir(obj) : try : val = getattr(obj, key) except AttributeError : continue if callable(val) : help(val) else : print('{k} => {v!r}'.format(k=key, v=val)) print(80*'-')
[docs]def polynomial(n=1) : """ Return a polynomial function of order *n*. **Parameters** = ========================================================================= n positive integer; the degree of the returned polynomial function. = ========================================================================= **Returns** = ========================================================================= p callable; a function that takes an independent variable *x* as its first argument and *n* more arguments representing the coefficients of the *n*'th order polynomial in increasing order. = ========================================================================= """ def p(x, *a) : """ Polynomial function of order *n* of the variable *x* with parameters *a*. *a* is a list of length *n* corresponding to the coefficients of of the different terms in increasing order. """ return sum([a[i]*x**i for i in range(n)]) return p
[docs]def multiple_exponential(t, i=0, *A_TAU) : """ Recursively build a function of the form:: f(t) = a1 * exp(-t/tau1) + a2 * exp(-t/tau2) + ... + an * exp(-t/taun) and return its value at *t*. *A_TAU* must have length 2n, where n is the number of exponentials you want in the sum. t can be any argument that could be passed to the np.exp function. The reason some of this seems weirdly implemented is because this function has been made compatible with scipy.optimize.curve_fit which unpacks parameters before passing them on to the fit function. Even now, some care has to be taken when passing arguments to this function directly - they probably have to be unpacked with the * operator, e.g.:: >>> multiple_exponential(np.array([1,2,3]), 0, *[0.5, 1, 0.5, 1]) **Parameters** ===== ===================================================================== t array_like; input (x-values) to the resulting function. i int; iteration level A_TAU list of length 2n; the first n entries are amplitude parameters for the different terms and the last n entries are the decay times of each term ===== ===================================================================== """ order = int(len(A_TAU)/2) i = int(i) if i < order-1 : return A_TAU[i] * np.exp(-t/A_TAU[order+i]) + multiple_exponential(t, i+1, *A_TAU) else : return A_TAU[i] * np.exp(-t/A_TAU[order+i])
[docs]def stretched_exponential(t, A, tau, h) : """ Implement stretched exponentail decay: f(t) = A * exp( - (t/tau)^(1/h) ) """ return A * np.exp(-(t/tau)**(1./h))
[docs]def lorentzian(x, a0, xmax, gamma) : r""" .. math:: a_0 \cdot \frac{\Gamma^2}{(x-x_\mathrm{max})^2 + \Gamma^2} **Parameters** ===== ===================================================================== x float or array; the variable. a0 float; normalization factor. xmax float; peak position of the Lorentzian in *x* units. gamma float; peak width in *x* units. ===== ===================================================================== """ return a0 * gamma*2 / ((x - xmax)**2 + gamma**2)
[docs]def chi2(y, f, sigma, normalize=True) : """ Return the chi-square value for a series of measured values y and uncertainties sigma that are described by model f:: y_i - f_i chi2 = sum_i( (-----------)^2 ) sigma_i Can be normalized by the number of entries. **Parameters** ========= ================================================================= y np.array; values of the data which is to be described f np.array; values predicted by the model sigma np.array or float; uncertainties on values y normalize boolean; whether to divide the result by the length of y or not ========= ================================================================= """ res = sum( ( (y-f)/sigma )**2 ) res = res/len(y) if normalize else res return res
[docs]def indexof(value, array) : """ Return the first index of the value in the array closest to the given *value*. Example:: >>> a = np.array([1, 0, 0, 2, 1]) >>> indexof(0, a) 1 >>> indexof(0.9, a) 0 """ return np.argmin(np.abs(array - value))
[docs]def sort_together(*lists) : """ Sort the given lists by the elements in the first list. Example:: >>> l0 = [3, 1, 2] >>> l1 = ['b', 'c', 'a'] >>> l2 = [11, 22, 33] >>> sort_together(l0, l1, l2) [[1, 2, 3], ['c', 'a', 'b'], [22, 33, 11]] >>> sort_together(l1, l0, l2) [['a', 'b', 'c'], [2, 3, 1], [33, 11, 22]] """ return [list(x) for x in zip(*sorted(zip(*lists)))]