Source code for arpys.utilities.kolormap



    cdict = {'red':     ((),
             'green':   ((),
             'blue':    ((),

    FFFFFF  255,255,255
    EBCCFF  235,204,255
    D699FF  214,153,255
    C266FF  194,102,255
    AD33FF  173, 51,255
    9900FF  153,  0,255
    7A00CC  122,  0,204
    5C0099   92,  0,153
    3D0066   61,  0,102
    1F0033   31,  0, 51
    000000    0,  0,  0
    333300   51, 51,  0
    666600  102,102,  0
    999900  153,153,  0
    CCCC00  204,204,  0
    FFFF00  255,255,  0
    FFFF33  255,255, 51
    FFFF66  255,255,102
    FFFF99  255,255,153
    FFFFCC  255,255,204


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
import numpy as np

# Put the colors in lists...
colors1 = ['F4EBFF',

colors2 = ['1D1C01',

# ... and make a list of the lists
color_lists = [colors1, colors2]

# Specify the ranges for all color lists except the last one - the last one 
# is just 1 - sum(color_ranges)
color_ranges = [1]
last = 1. - sum(color_ranges)

[docs]def hex_to_rgb(n) : """ Convert a color in hex notation (e.g. FFFFFF) to a normalized RGB tuple (in this example (1., 1., 1.)). """ # Split input string in three parts r, g, b = [ n[2*i:2*i+2] for i in range(3) ] rgb = [] # Convert to int and normalize for i, c in enumerate([r, g, b]) : c = int(c, base=16) c /= 255. rgb.append(c) # Return the rgb tuple return tuple(rgb)
# Main loop red = [] blue = [] green = [] # Loop over color lists for i, color_list in enumerate(color_lists) : n_colors = len(color_list) # For the Interpolation value to reach the maximum of 1.0 we need to # make bigger steps for the colors in the last color_list if i == len(color_lists)-1 : n_colors -= 1 color_range = color_ranges[i] spanned_ranges = sum(color_ranges[:i]) # Loop over colors in this color list for j, color in enumerate(color_list) : # Calculate the interpolation limit for this color s = spanned_ranges + j * color_range/n_colors # Convert to normalized RGB and create the cdict entries rgb = hex_to_rgb(color) #print(rgb) r = (s, rgb[0], rgb[0]) g = (s, rgb[1], rgb[1]) b = (s, rgb[2], rgb[2]) # Add the cdict entries to their containers red.append(r) blue.append(b) green.append(g) """ for i, color in enumerate(colors2) : s = color_range1 + i * color_range2/(n_colors2-1) rgb = [i/255. for i in color] r = (s, rgb[0], rgb[0]) g = (s, rgb[1], rgb[1]) b = (s, rgb[2], rgb[2]) red.append(r) blue.append(b) green.append(g) """ # Create the new colormap cdict = dict(red=tuple([r for r in red]), blue=tuple([b for b in blue]), green=tuple([g for g in green])) cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('arpes', cdict) if __name__ == '__main__' : # Create the test image data x = np.arange(1000) # no. of y points ny = 50 ymin = 5 # 5% of data range p = 0.05*(x.max() - x.min()) # spatial frequency of modulation f = 60 * 2*np.pi/x.max() data = np.zeros([ny, len(x)]) for i in range(ny) : if i > ymin : y = x + ( p*(i-ymin)*np.sin(x*f) )/(ny-ymin) else : y = x data[i] = y plt.pcolormesh(data, cmap=cmap)